Friday, 18 February 2011

Get pruning this winter

With the Groves pruning masterclass taking place soon (on the 26th & 27th of February) it seemed appropriate to provide a bit of background information on the subject. If after reading this you are still not sure what you are doing, don't dispair, give us a call on 01308 422654 for some more information or even better call in and have a chat with one of our trained horticulturalists.

Many plants respond well to pruning. It’s a great way to rejuvenate tired and woody plants and is also essential for many plants to keep them producing fresh growth, new flowers and healthy foliage.

Prune roses by removing any dead and diseased stems. Open up the centre of the bush by removing any overgrown stems and any that are rubbing together. Always prune just above an outward facing bud, as this encourages the plant to grow out rather than in and creates a much better shape overall. An overcrowded bush is much more susceptible to pest and disease problems. Feed after pruning with Rose and Shrub Plant Food.

Many shrubs can be pruned in March. Dogwoods (Cornus) respond particularly well to hard pruning, as this encourages plenty of fresh coloured stems to develop. Spring flowering shrubs such as Forsythia, flowering currants, Weigela, Deutzia and early Clematis should all be pruned after flowering as they all actually flower on stems made last year. If you remove these mature stems before the flowers have opened you will stop the plants from flowering this season.

Plants that flower on this year’s stems should be pruned in early spring to encourage plenty of new growth and flowers this season, these include Roses, the butterfly bush (Buddleia), Hydrangea paniculata, and Caryopteris. Feed after pruning with Rose and Shrub Granular Plant Food.

Produced in association with Westland Garden Health

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