Friday, 28 January 2011

Bare Root Roses

All our Roses are available to buy online. We have just received a new styled rose catalogue from the printers. This year it is illustrated with colour photos including on the front cover, the ‘Rose Of The Year’ ‘Joie de Vivre’ , a lovely, very double, pale pink, scented, floribunda rose.

Other lovely roses are ‘Chandos Beauty’ a subtle white and pink. ‘Birthday Girl’ an apple blossom colour, and bright tangerine coloured ‘Irish Eyes’ (they must have been on the Guinness)

Each year, Mr & Mrs Clive Groves travel to Hampton Court Flower Show, where they make for the Rose Pavilion to choose the very best of the latest and traditional varieties, these are then sourced from our wholesale rose growers and are available the following season from the Garden Centre and on line.

Roses provide wonderful value in the garden, flowering from the end of May until November.

Still time for Seed Potatoes

Buy your seed potatoes as early as possible to avoid disappointment but don't put them in the ground until Jack frost has gone on his summer hols!!!! You can however get them started indoors, especially useful for first earlies to get a good early crop. Place the seed potatoes in a seed tray or egg box with the rose end (That's the blunt end with the most eyes). Give them maximum exposure to light but protect from frost. A good chit should be firm and green and not be easily knocked off